Best Psoriasis Products

Your Essential Guide to Psoriasis

Effectively managing skin psoriasis involves using the best over-the-counter (OTC) products. This often involves a 2-step process: descaling and reducing inflammation.

Step 1: Descale. Descaling focuses on softening and removing the thick, scaly patches on the skin. Medicated creams or ointments containing ingredients like salicylic acid, glycolic acid, sulfur, and oils are commonly used for this purpose. These ingredients help break down and lift scales, making them easier to remove. Using a soft brush or washcloth to gently remove these scales can further enhance the effectiveness of subsequent treatments.

Step 2: Reduce inflammation. Topical corticosteroids are often prescribed to help reduce redness, itching, and swelling associated with psoriasis. Maintaining an effective barrier is essential when you have actively inflamed skin.

Treat Scale and Inflammation: Salicylic Acid, Oils, Urea, Coal Tar, Lactic Acid

Step 1: Reduce Scale

While salicylic acid can help remove scale, excessive use can lead to irritation. If it starts to burn/sting when you apply, use a product from Step 2 instead!

CeraVe Psoriasis

  • 2% Salicylic Acid

  • Also hydrates (ceramides, 5% Urea, Lactic Acid)

Gold Bond Psoriasis Relief

  • 3% Salicylic Acid

  • Also hydrates (ceramides, glycerin, aloe, extracts, Vitamin E)

Coconut Oil

  • Virgin, cold-pressed, unrefined coconut oil is best

  • Moisturizing

  • Antibacterial and antifungal

  • Note: Great to leave on overnight to loosen scale!

MG217 Psoriasis Cream

  • 3% Salicylic Acid

  • Also hydrates (glycerin, extracts)

Step 2: Reduce Inflammation

Moisturizer locks in water, prevents dryness, and forms a protective barrier against potential irritants. It promotes healing by maintaining a moist environment.

Petroleum Jelly

  • 100% pure petrolatum

  • Thick, greasy texture

  • General-purpose moisturizer, protective barrier

  • Note: For the most sensitive of sensitive skin.


  • 100% pure petrolatum + mineral oil + lanolin (waxy) + panthenol (reduces inflammation) + glycerin (hydration)

  • Thick, emollient

  • Heals and protects

  • Note: Lanolin has potential for irritation.

Cortizone 10

  • 1% hydrocortisone (topical steroid)

  • Reduces inflammation, itch, redness, and swelling

  • Cream, ointment, lotion. Ointment best for sensitive skin.

  • Avoid overuse, can thin skin over time.

Cerave Healing Ointment

  • 100% pure petrolatum + ceramides + hyaluronic acid

  • Lighter, less greasy

  • Repairs skin barrier, retains moisture

  • Lighter than Vaseline. Sometimes HA can be irritating to sensitive skin.

Steps 1 & 2 Combo Products

Coal tar, lactic acid, and urea can all reduce scale and reduce inflammation.

Amlactin Daily (12%)

  • 12% lactic acid

  • Great for gentle exfoliation and moisturizing

Eucerin UreaRepair Plus

  • 10% urea

  • Urea is a very small molecule that can dive deep to provide hydration.

DermaCalm SOS Therapy (8%)

  • 8% urea

  • Very hydrating (urea, hyaluronic acid, shea, oils)

  • Supports skin health (probiotics)

CeraVe Diabetics’ Dry Skin

  • ?% urea

  • Provides barrier support (ceramides, cholesterol)