Eczema or Psoriasis?

Psoriasis and eczema are both chronic skin conditions, but they have distinct characteristics. While both conditions can cause discomfort and skin inflammation, their typical distributions, visual appearance, and underlying causes differ, making accurate diagnosis essential for effective treatment.


  • Location: Front of Neck, Inner Arm Creases, Back of Knees, Hands, Hands, Feet

  • Symptoms: VERY itchy

  • Appearance: Less well-defined (it's hard to see exactly where the rash starts/stops)

  • Age: More common in children

  • Note: Often improves with age

Psoriasis in Adults


  • Location: Scalp, Back of Neck, Elbows, Belly Button, Lower Back/Upper Butt, Front of Knees

  • Symptoms: Somewhat itchy

  • Appearance: Well-defined (you can clearly see where the rash starts/stops). Thick, white scale.

  • Age: More common in adults

  • Note: May involve nails and joints